Australian Plants

The Australian Plant Group meetings are held in the Society’s hall at 100 Hilton Rd, Sassafras usually (but not always) on the third Saturday of every second month (alternating with the Rhododendron & Camellia Group) at 2:00pm.

Contact: Jan Coles 0417 585 514

If you enjoy gardening and have an interest in Australian native plants we offer a pleasant social group meeting. Attendees’ experience ranges from novice to expert – all are welcome.  Meetings include garden and nursery visits and varied discussions on many subjects related to the growing and care of Australian plants.

2024 Syllabus

March 16th 
An exploration of Australian Plants in the FCHS gardens – Don Teese
May 18th 
Raising Rarity – from Cranbourne Gardens – Russel Larke
July 18th 
Visit to Cranbourne gardens to visit propagation area. Led by Mandy Thompson. Tour starts at 10.00am.
September 21st
Workshop – identify rare and endangered plants suitable for the FCHS garden, plan for obtaining seeds and start planning for propagation.
November 16th
APS and Rhododendron/Camellia Group – break up – 140 Falls Rd Olinda
