General Meetings

General Meetings are held in the Society’s hall at 100 Hilton Rd, Sassafras on the second Saturday of most months at 2:00pm.


The meetings are open to all members and visitors and provide an opportunity for the main committee to keep members up to date with the activities and developments that are taking place in the gardens and the Society as a whole.  The meetings also present the chance to welcome new members and feature guest speakers who specialise in a variety of interesting horticultural subjects.  Occasionally excursions are taken to visit gardens of botanical significance or specialist growers/nurseries.


2024 Syllabus

  No Meeting
February – 10th – 2pm

Ben Brooker @TreasuredPerennials, @AllaboutGardens, ‘Regenerative Horticulture and plant nutrition’ – Ben is a much sought after and passionate speaker, and will discuss an area of horticulture that he is often asked speak about. We are thrilled that he has agreed to talk to our members. Don’t miss out on this one!

March – 9th & 10th 
  Plant Collectors Expo
  Beechmont – Historical garden; Speaker/guide – Head Gardener – Mark Higgins
May 11th
  ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – New members welcome, Group Leader presentations
June 8th
  Le Potager – Edible Art?’ – Paul Kirkpatrick
July 13th
  International Dendrology Society – tour of South West USA’ – Speaker – Don Teese
August 10th 
  Using water in the landscape/garden’ – Speaker Emmaline Bowman – STEM landscape architecture & design
September 14th
  Nishiki Nursery – behind the scenes visit/purchase rare and unusual plants – Speaker/guide – Steve Boekel
October 12th 
  ‘Garden Tours – ‘Cloudehill’ and Chojo Bonsai Nursery. Guided walks with Jeremy Francis and Jeff Barry respectively – Note 10 am start. More details to come.
November 9th

‘Peonies – history, breeding, and a showcase of this wonderful group of plants’ – Speaker – Lincoln Webber, The Colourful Gardener

December 7th

Christmas Party – Details TBC